What You’ll Receive:

Diligent drill design — a blueprint to anchor your show for success

  • On-time product delivery with detailed instructions, charts for each page of drill, and individual coordinate sheets

  • Video file of drill in Pyware (animations + choreography added by request)

  • Line of communication throughout the season for feedback and potential edits


Staging instruments for success is my #1 design priority. Achievability is a guarantee. As a former band kid who struggled with playing while marching, I will not compose drill that I couldn’t perform myself. Each instrument embouchure is considered by the challenges of the score. 

Design Philosophy 

Every step is intentional. Drill flows with kinetic energy in organic and geometric shapes. Vignettes frame musical phrases like chapters in a novel. Motifs train the eye to connect with the narrative of a show. Instruments are strategically staged to enhance the auditory experience. The color guard contributes 100% of their talents to the visual element of a production, so the drill should elevate their work.

A marching band is an army of artists.